SFIRP and PIEFA in schools!

PIEFA’s Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program (SFIRP) have been actively out and about in NSW schools, supporting teachers to implement food and fibre content in the classroom! Check out some of our recent updates below. 


PIEFA in Schools – Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar, Banora Point

After an initial visit by the SFIRP team on the 8th of August 2023, where the site was scoped for redevelopment of programs and enterprises, agriculture teacher Tracey Foyster has guided the agriculture program development on the new site.

Tracey stated, “Your programs and resources have been absolutely wonderful getting me started” and she has transformed the material into programs in development which she was happy to share on an online Google site for students to access the theory relating to the course Introduction to Ag and Chrysanthemum Enterprise

You can see in the photos the infrastructure used to support the intensive Chrysanthemum Plant enterprise planted in February for Mother’s Day marketing. The design and the technology are based on science to support quality flower production. The use of solar lights is a special feature extending the learning of students in the concepts and application of sustainability and technology and encouraging them to recognise more diverse and challenging skills and careers for the future of agriculture. The SFIRP team congratulates the school on the development of the site and looks forward to the growth of students engaging in agriculture in this region.

PIEFA in Schools – Pacific Valley Christian School

Pacific Valley Christian School engaged in a PIEFA in Schools programming visit in early 2023. A number of horticultural enterprises were developed to match the site and the available resources. A summary of the success and the student’s learning journey is captured in the video created by Kara Kenord, which was workshopped at the Maintaining pollination for Plant Production using AI workshop. 

PIEFA in Schools – Carinya Christian School, Tamworth

On 26/2/2024, SFIRP Project Manager Ben Holmes followed up a 2023 agriculture programming discussion with Agriculture Teacher Stephen Nott and Primary Industries Teacher Peggy Maxwell (pictured to the right) at the school’s agriculture plot to provide some programming advice based on available resources and factors affecting production of school enterprises.

Another amazing example of dedicated agriculture teaching was evident during the visit. A discussion on strategies to navigate the schools expanding construction blueprint was conducted as the development will impact the site. A cropping program with enriched market gardening enterprises and practical activities was discussed to meet the conditions onsite along with a demonstration on some simple horticultural practical skills-based activities to compliment programs and engagement of students. PIEFA’s SFIRP team is eagerly awaiting photos of the enterprises that develop on the school site in 2024.