Our Educational Resources
Resources for Teachers

Primezone provides teachers, parents and students with an Australian curriculum driven range of high quality, vetted, primary industries education resources. Visit Primezone at www.primezone.edu.au to access/download more than 600 food and fibre education activities, quizzes, videos, worksheets, and lots more – for Foundation through to Year 12. Many resources include teacher guides and are ready to incorporate into your classroom lesson plans.

Primezone Academy
To complement Primezone’s downloadable education resources, Primezone Academy is an eLearning portal that provides teachers and students with single-point access to a range of primary industries related eLearning courses. These FREE online courses can be completed in the classroom or at home and are suitable for primary and secondary students across Australia.
Visit Primezone Academy at www.primezoneacademy.edu.au

Career Harvest
Career Harvest is a one-stop shop for prospective students to discover rewarding careers. Career Harvest, PIEFA’s career portal, provides students with career options, scholarships, opportunities and more.
Visit Career Harvest at www.careerharvest.com.au

Farmer Time
PIEFA is the Australian partner of the Farmer Time program. Farmer Time was founded in the UK and the program allows students to connect with a farmer, fisher or forester, ask questions, take a virtual tour and experience what a career in food and fibre can look like. For years K-12, Farmer Time provides real-world context for food & fibre curriculum.
Visit Farmer Time at www.farmertime.com.au

Ag Career Start
AgCAREERSTART is a 10-12 month paid gap-year program designed to kick-start careers in farming. Participants aged under 25 get matched with a host-farm; work and earn for 10-12 months; receive training and mentoring to complete a VET course; plus enjoy access to industry events. PIEFA is proud to be a partner in delivering this program, alongside the National Farmers Federation and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Visit AgCAREERSTART at www.agcareerstart.com.au

STEM Food + Fibre / Teacher PD
Presented by PIEFA and NSW Department of Primary Industries, STEM Food + Fibre is a Teacher PD series, designed for primary and secondary educators. These PD sessions are typically held online and deliver tangible tips on how to incorporate curriculum-aligned STEM food and fibre content into your classroom.
Find out how to register for the latest STEM Food + Fibre sessions at: www.stickytickets.com.au/stem-food-and-fibre

Knowing Growing | Teacher PD
Knowing Growing is a joint initiative of three leaders in agriculture education – PIEFA, the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries. The aim of the program is to facilitate teaching about our primary industries in schools by providing quality professional development for all teachers. Find more information on the Knowing Growing workshops and PD at: knowingandgrowing.edu.au
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Support ag studies & food and fibre education across all grades of Australian school.
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Let’s work together to get your passion for agriculture to more schools so that they can educate the future leaders we need to grow the farming, fishing and forestry community.