A creative and innovative approach of agricultural education!
Get Your Ticket for the 2023 NAAE Conference
The National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) and Queensland Agricultural Teachers Association (QATA) are excited to present the 2023 National Conference in Toowoomba, QLD from January 8th to 12!
The theme for the 2023 conference is Creators & Innovators and attendees will participate in workshops and industry tours that showcase the creative and innovative approach of agricultural education, with a focus on take-home messages and ideas.
If you registered and paid for the postponed 2022 Conference, you will automatically retain your spot for this conference – but we do ask you to re-register your details to ensure we have all of your information correct.
Email Will Goss (wgoss@bne.catholic.edu.au) if you have any problems registering or have any burning questions.
Registration is $850 per person, and includes all meals, accommodation (at USQ). Registration closes October 7, 2022. Tickets are limited and are expected to sell fast. Upon registering via the link below, you will be emailed an invoice to pay your registration fee via Direct Deposit. Registration is secured upon payment.
- Full Conference – including all meals & accommodation ($850 Invoice Request)
- Full Conference – not including accommodation and breakfast ($450 Invoice Request)Select this ticket option if you live in Toowoomba and do not require accommodation.
- Full Conference (NSW Ag Teachers Association Members) – including all meals & accommodation ($800 Invoice Request)Select this ticket option if you are a NSW Ag Teacher Association member (your association is discounting your conference ticket).
– Follow the conference on Facebook.
– Access the conference flyer with schedule HERE.