Bringing farmers, fishers & Foresters into classrooms virtually...

Primezone Partner Schools Program
Helping Students Understand food & fibre
The Federal Department of Education has partnered with the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia to implement the program ‘Agriculture in Education’. One of the key elements of this program is the appointment of ‘Primezone Partner Schools’ to operate as centres of excellence to support Food and Fibre Education broadly, and the Agriculture in Education program specifically.
Schools operate to explore best practice in embedding Food and Fibre education via a cross-curricula approach throughout their schools curriculum.
Schools focus on supporting resources, professional learning and innovative ways of connecting with like schools within Australia. Primezone Partner schools will involve other schools within their cluster or community as part of the project.
Primezone Partner Schools are funded through PIEFA as part of the Department of Education’s ‘Agriculture in Education’ program. They each receive $10,000 to support the Food and Fibre education programs. In return the schools:
- trial PIEFA’s Agriculture in Education units within their school context and complete a feedback survey;
- host three professional learning sessions for teachers in their school and school cluster promoting their own Food and Fibre education program and the Agriculture in Education resources;
- attend and present at a state or national teacher education conference to share their work;
- share resources developed as part of the funding received.

Primezone Partner Schools 2016
PIEFA thanks all schools that applied to be a Primezone Partner School for 2016. The field was extremely competitive and the successful schools were:
ACT – University of Canberra HS;
NSW – Dungog PS;
QLD – Tambo SS and Corinda SHS;
SA – Waikerie HS and Cummins Area School;
TAS – Yolla DHS;
VIC – Albert Park PS, Cornish College and Moyhu PS;
WA – Manning Primary School and Pemberton DHS.
PIEFA will support these schools to extend and develop their programs, and the schools will host professional learning sessions, share resources and promote food and fibre education within their networks. Each month a different Primezone school will feature in the PIEFA newsletter.
Examine the facts.
Vital lesson plans provided to
Staff and students
learning more about food & fibre
Almost 20 years
improving Agriculture education
Training sessions run
for teachers