It's on again!
MONDAY, MAY 1 @ 3:23pm
HOST: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Meg Dunford, Schools Program Officer
TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary teachers
“NSW Teachers have told us how much they love their profession but the number one tax on their time is finding or producing high-quality teaching resources,” (Gratton Institute study, 2022). The NSW Department of Primary Industries Schools Program have been listening and are here to help. Join our session, to learn about our diverse range of food and fibre student resources, teacher Professional Development (PD) opportunities and student events in the secondary education space. All our resources, events and PD are curriculum aligned and reflect current and emerging industry developments and practice. They have been developed by our team of ex-teachers who understand both teacher and industry needs. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to explore our diverse collection. There will be a particular focus on our new ‘Industry insights’ fully resourced units (themes: Plant structure and function, Cropping and Pastures, Biosecurity, Pork, Dairy, Poultry) and discussion on how they can be integrated into your own teaching and learning programs. Hands on activities will allow teachers to deep dive into a range of engaging Agriculture/STEM practical’s which teachers can utilise back in their own classrooms.
HOST: AgForce SIPP Team
Tanya Nagle
Kellie Blinco
Chelsea Hartwig
Emily Kenny
TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary teachers
Join the AgForce SIPP team as they take you through their practical activities to kick start the career in agriculture conversation with your secondary students. Discover how to run the hugely successful Ag Inspirations program in your region. Ag Inspirations exposes students to a diverse range of careers in agriculture, provides a clear picture of pathways available and highlights students personal attributes and skills employers value.
HOST: AgCommunicators
- Belinda Cay, Director, AgCommunicators
- Sue Pratt, Lead Ag Teacher, AgCommunicators
- Damien Brookes, Ag Coordinator, Urrbrae Agricultural High School and President Agricultural Teachers Association of SA – ATASA
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers
Join this workshop to hear about the design, implementation and findings of two innovative programs introduced in SA in 2022 – the Lead Ag Teacher role and the SA Ag Careers Hub.
The Lead Ag Teacher role has been industry funded to support agriculture teachers in all education sectors. The position works to review and map curriculum, develop resources, connect schools with industry and community partners and delivers tailored professional development. The SA Ag Careers Hub was established in 2022 and has since worked with over 2500 students. The program utilises 30 trained industry ambassadors to visit schools and host industry site visits and immersive experiences, along with weekly in-school careers sessions and professional development for teachers. This is delivered in partnership with Urrbrae Agricultural High School. These programs have different but complementary priorities, providing targeted on-site support for teachers to deliver high quality industry relevant food and fibre curriculum with clear links to career pathways throughout the agriculture production chain.
HOST: ForestLearning – Forest and Wood Products Australia
Beth Welden, ForestLearning FWPA
Matt de Jongh, Responsible Wood
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers
Join ForestLearning for an interactive, tech-rich workshop and discover their free and innovative teaching resources. From education award winning ForestVR and She Maps Drones in Forestry resources to the Tree Carbon Storage Tape Measure, you’ll take away innovative tools for inspiring your students to think and act sustainably. Plus, sneak a peek at upcoming edtech and ForestVR embedded primary and secondary units soon to be launched for geography and design and technologies, and primary science – developed in partnership with peak teacher associations!
Emily Chambers, Compendium Project Officer, 2023 AUASA President, AIA-SA Committee Member
James Easter, Sponsorship Coordinator, Primary Producers SA Intern, 2022 Kondinin Student of the Year, AIA-SA Committee Member
Bruce Hancock, LEAD: 2023 Student Compendium, Ag Institute (SA)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary teachers and careers advisors; tertiary educators; industry/agribusiness representatives and State and Federal Government.
Ag Institute members, Emily & James will share how we’ve developed this unique and highly valued, “one-stop-shop” resource for high school, VET and tertiary students. Your own experiences, ideas and opportunities for students are valued in developing a Compendium, and will be workshopped as we work towards a national Compendium.
Collaboration of the Ag Institute SA Division and Adelaide University Agricultural Student Association has empowered undergraduate Interns to collect, collate and compile a hard and e-copy, of over 230 graduate programs, internships, tours/trips, awards, scholarships, competitions, training, conferences, professional organisations and farming system groups.
Co-investment is growing by major funding partners and sponsors as the Compendium delivers human capacity building outcomes for the SA Sheep, Beef, Grains and Horticulture Industry Blueprints which call everyone to action to deliver on the Industry, State and Federal Strategic Growth Plans.
Collegiality is a culture in SA, evolving from; many people knowing of each other, Tertiary and VET Institutions based in or near Adelaide, active and supportive State Farm Organisations like Primary Producers SA, and the Ag Teachers Association and Industry Ambassadors participating in the SA Ag Careers Hub.
The Connection is empowering students to gain confidence and find a home in Primary Industries.

The videos have been produced by ESMedia and the Compendium Communications and Socials Intern, Grace Moloney.
Dr Nicole Sweaney
Sub Dean, Teaching and Learning Centre, College of Science and College of Health & Medicine
Australian National University
Dr Rachael Rodney-Harris
Agriculture Innovation Training and Education Initiative Lead and Lecturer
Australian National University
TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers and educators, all levels. The authentic assessment is likely more applicable to secondary and tertiary educators.
Are you interested in harnessing the power of AI to enhance your teaching and student outcomes? Are you wondering how you can implement more effective assessments, that actually encourage students to apply skills and knowledge to real-world situations?
This workshop, led by experienced educators Dr. Nicole Sweaney and Dr. Rachael Rodney-Harris (ANU), will explore how AI tools and strategies can be used to improve teaching, provide personalised feedback, and identify areas where students need help. Through hands-on activities, participants will learn practical skills and strategies for implementing AI in their own teaching practices.
In the second part of the workshop, participants will study a case of job-integrated learning in Honours and Masters coursework, discovering how authentic assessments can be integrated into the curriculum. You will work collaboratively to generate ideas for authentic assessments that provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts.
This workshop is ideal for educators in all sectors who want to integrate AI into their classroom and design assessments that measure student learning effectively. Join us to develop and explore ideas in a collaborative environment and leave with tangible techniques you can start using immediately.
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