It's on again!


MONDAY, MAY 1 @ 11:10am

WORKSHOP TITLE: Career Pathways in Dairy: Regional, National and Global Opportunities for Young Australians
 Dairy Australia
Ben Norton-Smith, Project Lead, Workforce Attraction and Retention
TARGET AUDIENCE: Careers Advisors; Educators at all levels
​When you work within the Australian Dairy Industry, you make a positive contribution to local communities and businesses. You’re also part of a global network of farmers who share in a collective effort to provide sustainably nutritious food.
In this interactive workshop Ben Norton-Smith from Dairy NSW will discuss the opportunities that exist now and in the future for the next generation seeking to develop careers on and off-farm in Australian Dairy.
Originally from the UK, Ben started his career driving scraper tractors on the calf unit of the local dairy farm. Seeing the potential in the industry (and not wanting to be in an office), Ben trained as an Agricultural consultant after graduating from Reading University where he studied Agricultural Business Management. After moving to Australia in 2019, his experience working in agricultural helped secure roles in national policy, education policy and R&D. 
Participants will have the chance to ask Ben about his own farming journey and his connections with young people on farms and in associated professions across regional NSW. He will also highlight the curriculum-linked resources and careers information available at Discover Dairy (dairy.edu.au) and showcase the work being done at the new dairyjobsmatter.com.au site with its current on-farm job listings.



WORKSHOP TITLE: Australian Wool Innovation: Career satisfaction — a future in wool
HOST: Australian Wool Innovation
Cat NichollsEducation Consultant
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers; Careers Advisors; Tertiary educators; Industry reps
​Are your students looking for a career where they can play a role in a more sustainable world, while building lifelong connections in a global community?
Do you have students who want a career where they: make friends, see Australia, work outdoors, or indoors, in rural regions or some of the world’s most exciting cities?  Perhaps you have students who are keen to experience new things, define their own future that involves a great lifestyle and participating a large, growing and exciting industry? 
The wool industry is more than just being a wool producer, yet that in itself can be an extremely rewarding career choice with a fantastic lifestyle to boot. Working within the wool industry provides a myriad of opportunities for every personality type and skill set, long-term stability and a level of excitement and variety as the industry grows, evolves and develops. 
This interactive 40-minute workshop will give you the tools to explore with your students the plethora of opportunities they have to embark career in the wool industry, while investigating the concepts of: earning an income, contributing to an individual’s self-esteem, material and non-material living standards and happiness.​



WORKSHOP TITLE: Livewell @Scotch
 Scotch College Adelaide
  • Amanda Johnson, Head of Technology and Visual Arts
  • Ilka Klepper, Head of Agriculture
  • Jonnie Read, Teacher of Agriculture
  • Jodi Monro, Teacher of Food and Textiles
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers
‘Livewell’ – Food Security and nutrition are key aspects driving Agriculture currently and the need for students to understand the link between the production and consumption of the food is imperative. This workshop aims to showcase one way of linking Australian Curriculum Content under the following headings: Sustainable Living encouraging students to create a sustainable lifestyle by connection with natural and agricultural ecosystem management practices, supporting sustainable methods to produce food and fibre without compromising the future generation’s ability to do the same.This proposed workshop is designed to allow educators the opportunity to engage with the successful food, agriculture, and textiles program that Scotch College Adelaide has integrated as a part of the college’s cross disciplinary Livewell Program through Middle School (Years 7-9). The key elements from agriculture, food technology and textiles technology content will be presented. This presentation is designed to be shared with educators from a variety of settings. There will be opportunities for interaction with the content, resources, facilitators, and teachers. Discussion will be welcome from peers and options for development of similar content at individual sites will be shared.



WORKSHOP TITLE: Discover the Global Digital Farm at Charles Sturt University: Learn how to use data for improved on-farm decision making
 Charles Sturt University
  • Jonathan Medway, Senior Research Fellow Spatial Agriculture
TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary teachers; Tertiary educators; Industry reps
Charles Sturt University is utilising its 2,000ha commercial farm located at Wagga Wagga to implement its Global Digital Farm Initiative. The program will involve the saturation of the farm landscape with digital technologies to measure, monitor, analyse and control activities across the grain, beef cattle, fat lamb, viticulture, horticulture, and irrigation enterprises to:
  • Improve farm production,
  • Enhance the digital literacy of students, staff, producers, and the wider agricultural community,
  • Utilise the generated data for a diversity of research programs,
  • Provide access to a comprehensive live farm data ecosystem for university and secondary schools students, and
  • To engage with industry partners to develop, test and demonstrate their digital technology capabilities and the application of information-based decision making.
The PIEFA workshop will outline:
  • Highlight the potential benefits of the use of data for improved on farm decision making,
  • Outline the capabilities and applications of the range of data systems being installed such as soil moisture networks, livestock tracking and weighing, natural capital assessment, carbon footprint assessment etc, and
  • Demonstrate the opportunity access to the global digital farm will provide for educational institutions.



WORKSHOP TITLE: Integrating careers education into the world of agriculture
 CQUniversity Agri-tech Education and Extension team
Dr Jaime Manning
Dr Nikki Kelly
A/Prof Amy Cosby
Dr Nicole McDonald

TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers; Careers Advisors
EXCITED 4 Careers in Agriculture is a National Careers Institute funded program designed for students in P-10 in Australian regional and rural communities to explore careers in an industry of local importance. This workshop will provide an overview of leading career guidance theory, Holland’s RIASEC model. The RIASEC framework allows students to explore their interests, strengths and values and how these relate to the world of agricultural work through a local context. Teachers and Primary Industry representatives will be provided with an introduction to six hands-on curriculum-aligned activities that have been developed with a range of industry partners to showcase different careers, as well as participating in a practical of two key activities. Walk away with the confidence to integrate careers education into the classroom and an evidence-based strategy to engage students self-efficacy and knowledge of how their interests connect to careers in agriculture.



WORKSHOP TITLE: TAPbuilt: A community of educators
 Timboon P-12 School
Pennie Maxwell, Science Domain Leader
Andrea Vallance, Timboon Agriculture Project (TAP) Coordinator 
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary teachers; Secondary teachers
Whiskey distillation, eel fishing, helicopters, reticulums, camembert, farm safety, sustainability, honeycomb and ecotourism… why, you must be in Timboon! Ten years is a long time, especially in education, but the Timboon Agriculture Project (TAP), is still thriving as an innovative, award winning, applied learning model that harnesses the energy and expertise of a dynamic food production and processing industry through a multi-layered partnership to improve student learning outcomes and strengthen the whole Timboon P-12 School community. The premise of the TAP is about ‘TAPping’ into the community and benefitting from the expertise and knowledge of the local community and industries. The TAP has continued to develop and deliver new and engaging curriculum, provide teacher professional development, form curriculum based links with neighbouring schools and increases industry and government capacity to support education with over 677 industry personnel involved since its inception in mid 2012 with 137 collaborators in 2022 alone. “The Timboon Agriculture Project (TAP) is a best practice example of what can be achieved with a strong partnership with schools, industry and community” – James Merlino, Victorian Minister for Education. We can we can help you TAP into your community and local industries too! 


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