It's on again!

Theme One: Keynote Abstracts

THEME ONE: The Future of Primary Industries

SESSION CHAIR | Theme 1: Leanne Kruss, PIEFA Director

Leanne owns and manages a large family livestock enterprise in Far North Queensland and is the manager of Agricultural Workforce Development for FNQ. Leanne brings 35+ years’ experience in agribusiness, and having spearheaded several initiatives that encourage students to become part of tomorrow’s agricultural workforce, her work has strengthened local enterprise and regional economies. Additionally, Leanne is involved in the QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries ‘Agriculture Gateway Industry to Schools’ program, which helps young people transition from school into further education and/or employment in agriculture related industries.


Michael McQueen 

BIOGRAPHY: Michael McQueen is a multi-award winning speaker, trend forecaster and bestselling author of nine books.
With clients including KPMG, Pepsi and Cisco, he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate disruption and maintain momentum.
Michael is a regular commentator on TV and radio and his work has featured in publications ranging from the UK Daily Mail to Medium.com and the Huffington Post. In addition, Michael is a familiar face on the international conference circuit having shared the stage with the likes of Bill Gates, Dr. John Maxwell and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Michael has spoken to over 500,000 people across 5 continents since 2004, and is known for his engaging, entertaining and practical conference presentations. Having been formerly named Australia’s Keynote Speaker of the Year, Michael has been inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.


Troy Setter
Chief Executive Officer | Consolidated Pastoral Company

BIOGRAPHY: Troy is the CEO of Consolidated Pastoral Company and the Chairman of the Council of RDCs, LiveCorp and Dolly’s Dream. He has completed a degree in Rural Science and the Agribusiness program at Harvard Business School. Throughout his career, Troy has held a variety of key positions, from cropping and cattle operation to international logistics and genetic improvement. Mr Setter is one of the top cattlemen and agribusiness leaders in the country. 

TITLE: Human Capital – The Future of Agribusiness


Emma Germano
President | Victorian Farmers’ Federation
Managing Director | I Love Farms
Director | The Queen Victoria Market

BIOGRAPHY: Emma Germano is Managing Director of her family mixed operation I Love Farms. Growing fresh vegetables for local and export markets, as well as running sheep and beef cattle, I Love Farms has a firm focus on sustainability and strives to connect with Australian consumers. I Love Farms has a farm-gate store which assists to increase the community’s understanding of food and fibre production. Emma is the current Victorian Farmers’ Federation President and Director of The Queen Victoria Market. Emma is also a Nuffield Scholar (2014), her research examining global export opportunities for Australian primary producers. Ultimately, Emma strives to be a strong voice, representing Australian growers and ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for agriculture in Australia.

The Future of Aussie Ag – Feast or Famine
Emma will explore the interaction between politics, ideology and primary production – and how this will impact the future of Australian agriculture and food security.

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