It's on again!
Conference Social Functions 2023
Welcome Reception
Hotel Realm
Sunday, April 30 2023 – 5:00pm to 7:00pm
$ | Complimentary with conference registration
The Welcome Reception is an informal social function to meet your fellow delegates, presenters, PIEFA staff and board members over drinks and canapes. The evening is included at no extra cost, as part of full conference registration.
The Welcome Reception will align with conference check-in, where delegates collect names badges and the conference program. Dress code is smart casual.
Delegates may invite additional guests to the Welcome Reception at a cost of $55 each.
The Welcome Reception will align with conference check-in, where delegates collect names badges and the conference program. Dress code is smart casual.
Delegates may invite additional guests to the Welcome Reception at a cost of $55 each.
Conference Gala Dinner
National Arboretum Canberra
Monday, May 1 2023 – 6:00pm
$ | $150 per person (including GST)
The PIEFA Conference 2023 Gala Dinner will be held at the beautiful National Arboretum in Canberra. The Arboretum is approximately 15-minutes drive from The Realm and complimentary travel will be provided to and from the venue.
Pre-dinner networking and drinks commence at 6:00pm. Dinner will be served from 6:30pm.
Guests (not registered for the conference) are also welcome. Dress code is smart casual.
Gala Dinner tickets are $150 per/person.
f you have any questions about conference social functions or need to amend or cancel a booking, please get in touch with our conference organisers, Conlog:
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